CS: GO (Counter-Strike Global Offensive) is the most played FPS game in the world. CS: GO is an e-sports adopted title, and many competitions are held all over the world, and there is also a world competition where the total prize money exceeds 100 million! I’m curious about such a popular CS: GO top player. Therefore, in this article, we will introduce the 2021 CS: GO World Top Player Ranking with reference to the “Top 20 playars of 2021” announced on HLTV.org!
10th place-Jame player (affiliation: Virtus.pro)
Jame from the Virtus.pro team (real name: Dzhami Ali, nationality: Russia). First appearance in HLTV’s annual player rankings! In 2021, he won the cs_summit 7.
9th place-b1t player (affiliation: Natus Vincere)
Ukrainian b1t player (real name: Valeriy Vakhovskiy) belonging to Natus Vincere played a great role in the 2021 event, was recognized as a genius professional player, and was ranked 9th!
8th place-YEKINDAR player (affiliation: Virtus.pro)
YEKINDAR (real name: Mareks Gaļinskis, nationality: Latvia), who first appeared in HLTV’s annual player ranking, ranked 8th. The team to which YEKINDAR belongs is Virtus.pro, like James in 10th place.
7th place-electroNic player (affiliation: Natus Vincere)
ElectroNic player (real name: Denis Sharipov) who has been selected as one of the top 10 players for 4 consecutive years. 9th place b1t player, a professional gamer who belongs to Natus Vincere as well as s1mple player who will appear later. He started his career as a professional player in 2015, playing an active part with s1mple and winning the PGL Major Stockholm 2021.
6th place-HObbit player (affiliation: Gambit)
A HObbit player from Kazakhstan (real name: Abay Khasenov) has won the PGL Major Krakow 2017 and is still a member of Gambit. In the year of victory, he was also selected as the 11th place in the HLTV annual player ranking.
5th place-Ax1 Le player (affiliation: Gambit)
This is also a Gambit player, Ax1Le from Russia (real name: Sergey Rykhtorov). Ax1Le is a professional player who started playing the Counter-Strike series when he was 4 or 5 years old with his father’s introduction.
4th place-sh1ro player (affiliation: Gambit)
またしても(笑)、Gambit所属のロシア人選手、sh1ro選手(本名:Dmitry Sokolov)が4位にランクイン!2021年で最もクラッチを稼いだプロプレイヤーです。HLTVの年間プレイヤーランキングには初登場となります。
Niko選手(本名:Nikola Kovač)は、2020年の11月からG2に所属するボスニアのプロプレイヤーです。若い時から信じられないほどのスケールとゲームセンスを示し、前年度のランキングでは4位に選ばれています。CS:GOにおける統計データは以下の通りです。
- 総キル数:32825
- ヘッドショット%:5%
- 総デス数:27553
- K/D比:19
- ダメージ/ラウンド:8
- 手榴弾ダメージ/ラウンド:2
- プレイマップ数:1552
- プレイラウンド数:41181
- キル/ラウンド:80
- アシスト/ラウンド:13
- デス/ラウンド:67
- 被救援/ラウンド:08
- 救援/ラウンド:10
- レーティング0:1.16
2位-ZywOo選手(所属:Team Vitality)
フランス人のZywOo選手(本名:Mathieu Herbaut)は、Team Vitalityに所属しており、 CS:GO史上3人目の2年連続(2019・2020年)のランキング1位でした。3連覇はならず、今年は惜しくも2位にランクイン。CS:GOにおける統計データは以下の通りです。
- 総キル数:20835
- ヘッドショット%:4%
- 総デス数:15086
- K/D比:38
- ダメージ/ラウンド:8
- 手榴弾ダメージ/ラウンド:6
- プレイマップ数:934
- プレイラウンド数:24502
- キル/ラウンド:85
- アシスト/ラウンド:13
- デス/ラウンド:62
- 被救援/ラウンド:10
- 救援/ラウンド:12
- レーティング0:1.33
1位-s1mple選手(所属:Natus Vincere)
One of the best players in CS: GO history is s1mple, who is almost always named. Ukrainian s1mple player (real name: Aleksandr Kostyliev) is a professional player belonging to Natus Vincere. He made an outstanding performance at PGL Major Stockholm 2021 and won the championship, and was also selected as an MVP. It is a super big game that was selected as an MVP seven times in the 2021 tournament! The statistical data in CS: GO are as follows.
- Total number of kills: 33651
- Headshot%: 4%
- Total number of deaths: 25119
- K / D ratio: 34
- Damage / Round: 5
- Grenade damage / round: 3
- Number of play maps: 1491
- Number of play rounds: 39335
- Kill / Round: 86
- Assist / Round: 10
- Death / Round: 64
- Relief / Round: 08
- Relief / Round: 11
- Rating 0: 1.25
List of 11th to 20th professional players
Players after 11th place will be as you can see.
11th place-device player (affiliation: Ninjas in Pyjamas)
12th place-huNter-player (affiliation: G2)
13th place-blameF player (affiliation: Astralis)
14th place-NAF player (affiliation: Liquid)
15th place-KSCERATO player (affiliation: FURIA)
16th place-stavn player (affiliation: Heroic)
17th place-Twistzz player (affiliation: FaZe)
18th place-ropz player (affiliation: FaZe)
19th place-EliGE player (affiliation: Liquid)
20th place-broky player (affiliation: FaZe)
This is the list of CS: GO’s top player rankings in the world. Did the players you know rank in? The rankings from Russia’s Natus Vincere and Gambit, which are also the top two team rankings, are outstanding! Let’s keep an eye on what the outcome will be in 2022!